Kidney Donor Support


As with many significant decisions, people who are thinking about donating their kidney often find it helpful to talk to someone who went through the process before donating themselves. There are thousands of kidney donors in the world and multiple organizations that allow potential donors to talk to those who have donated. Additionally, every individual who begins the donation screening process through the National Kidney Registry will have the option to be paired with a donor mentor through the NKR’s Donor Connect initiative.


Many donors come through the donation process with a desire to get more involved in the organ donation field. Some want to share their story with other potential donors, some want to help advocate for donor protections and others simply want to get to know other donors. If you’d be interested in sharing your story, please complete our Media Inquiries form.

In addition, a little-discussed, and therefore little-known, fact about donating a kidney is that less than 5% of donors get depression after they donate as attention shifts from them to the patient due to the complex medicinal routines patients have for the first 6 months following donation.

There are thousands of kidney donors in the world and multiple organizations that allow donors to talk to those who have also donated. If you wish to speak to someone who donated their kidney, please contact the National Kidney Registry for information.

Contact the NKR