National Kidney Registry Re-engineers Billing Systems to Facilitate KPD Cost Reimbursements for Transplant Hospitals

The National Kidney Registry announced the completion of a two-year reengineering project to allow hospitals to tie nearly all paired exchange costs back to patients transplanted. With the rapid expansion of services that increase the efficiency and reduce the risk of paired exchange transplantation, such as computerized matching, organ packaging, organ shipping, logistics support and …

NKR Keynotes Wharton Welcome Weekend Speech Delivered by Alumnus and NKR Founder & President, Garet Hil

Today, during his keynote speech to participants of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania’s annual “Welcome Weekend,” Garet Hil, Founder and CEO of the National Kidney Registry, announced the completion of economic research identifying $100 billion in U.S. healthcare savings that can be generated by facilitating living donor kidney transplants over the next …