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Margaret Voges, RN

Chair, NKR Operations Committee
  • Lead Transplant Coordinator, University of Minnesota Medical Center

Margaret Voges is a lead Transplant Coordinator for the Kidney Paired Donation program at the University of Minnesota. 

She has worked as a Registered Nurse since 1989, obtaining a BA Nursing from the College of St. Catherine. She has worked in the area of organ transplantation since 1991, when she worked as a staff nurse on the solid organ transplant unit. 

She transitioned to the procurement area working for the American Red Cross and LifeSource coordinating tissue and organ recoveries. In 2004, she began as a Transplant Coordinator working with pediatric recipients. In 2008, she began as a Living Donor Coordinator.

As lead Paired Exchange Coordinator since 2010, she is responsible for the coordination of care for incompatible pairs and non-directed donors. She has enjoyed her work with living donors and participating in the growth of kidney paired donation at her center and in the country. Her special interest has been facilitating eplet molecular level matching at her center.

She is an educator for National Kidney Registry regional training sessions and is the NKR Operations Committee Chairperson.

Photo of Margaret Voges

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